How much time do you take to complete an order?

We usually deliver completed orders within 12hrs after receiving. We can also deliver completed orders within 6 hours or 24 hours according to TAT or appraisers preference. Our data entry team works round the clock – 24*7 and 365 days a year.

Which softwares do you work with?

We have strong experience in Aurora WinTotal, TOTAL 2013, ACI Report and ClickFORMS. We also use ACI Sketch, Total sketch and Apex V5.0.

Our team can handle any single family (1004), Condo (1073/1075), multi-family (1025) and drive-by appraisal reports (2055).

How can we send the orders?

1. SignUp/Login to the account on our website.

2. Send orders via email to neworder@mindspringtech.com with order instructions and requisite files.

N.B. 1. In a rare case, if the website is down then you can send files, messages and orders on mindspringhelp@gmail.com and we will send back these orders on your email id.

N.B. 2. If there are too many files to upload then you can create a ZIP file and upload that.

What’s the method to communicate with person working on my appraisals?

There is a message sending feature with every order so that you can communicate with the person working on your appraisal.

How you secure my data?

We never share any data with any company or person. Our website is Trust Seal certified to secure the data we share.

Is there any sample of Inspection Sheet?

Yes, we have an inspection sheet. You can download the inspection sheet from here Inspection Sheet.

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